Singing Guide: Ernesto Lecuona

Singing Guide: Ernesto Lecuona

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ernesto Lecuona was a Cuban composer and pianist, known for his extraordinary contributions to the Latin American music world. His music continues to inspire artists around the world.

Lecuona's unique vocal technique was very emotive and connected with the listener's soul. His use of syncopation and interesting rhythms created a unique sound that was easy to fall in love with. To learn singing like Ernesto Lecuona, it is important to understand his style and incorporate his techniques while also developing your own voice.

A great starting point is to analyze your own voice and understand your voice type. You can take Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine the range of your voice. Once you understand your voice type, you can focus on mastering Lecuona's vocal techniques.

Lecuona had a great singing posture. To achieve this posture, one should stand up straight, with the shoulders relaxed and the feet shoulder-width apart. It is important to maintain good posture while standing, sitting, and singing. You can learn more about good singing posture in Singing Carrots' article "How posture affects your singing" and the video "Good Singing Posture".

Lecuona's unique vocal technique also involved excellent breath support. To master this technique, you can watch Singing Carrots' videos on breath support and respiration. These videos will provide breathing techniques that will improve your singing.

Another vocal technique that Lecuona used to great effect was mouth and throat position. You can learn more about this in Singing Carrots' article "Open mouth & throat". Once you have this technique down, you can incorporate it with the other techniques you have learned.

Practice singing Lecuona's music using Singing Carrots' search feature to find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. You can also use Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor to watch your sung notes on a virtual piano. This will help you understand which notes you need to work on and which notes you are performing successfully.

Incorporating these techniques and resources will help you learn how to sing like Ernesto Lecuona. But remember, every singer is unique, so it is important to find your own authentic voice. Singing Carrots' article "How to find your own authentic voice" can help guide you in this process.

Keep practicing and don't be afraid to experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you. With dedication, time and practice, you can develop your singing skills and learn how to sing like Ernesto Lecuona.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.